Calystegia sepium

True bindweed ( Calystegia sepium subsp. Sepium )

The Real bindweed ( Calystegia sepium, Syn: Convolvulus sepium ) is a flowering plant in the family of wind plants ( Convolvulaceae ).


The Real bindweed grows as a climbing, deciduous, perennial herbaceous plant. There are creeping rhizomes formed as outlasting. It has green, twining stem axis. The alternate arranged leaves are simple. There are no stipules present.

The flowering period is between May and September. Below the flower stalks are on the outside two distinctive, green bracts. The hermaphrodite flowers are radial symmetry and fünfzählig double perianth. The white corolla funnel has a diameter of 5 to 7 cm. The ovary is upper constant.

Are formed capsule fruits. The egg-shaped seeds are 4-6 mm long and 25 to 30 mg hard.


The Real bindweed is a Hemikryptophyt and a twining climber. The end portions of the foothills form short sprout tubers.

The bindweed heard because of their widely creeping, underground rhizomes to the Kriechpionierpflanzen. The tips of the stem axis lead circular searching movements (one revolution in 1 hr 45 min) seen from above, counterclockwise by (left Winder ) to be able to wind up on a suitable underlay can.

The flowers are open at night, but closed in cloudy weather. Pollination is by moths (swarm ) and hoverflies. Main pollinators is the tobacco hornworm ( Herse convolvuli ) with its 8 cm long proboscis; He is an annually from southern Europe flying to us hiking moths. Also, self-pollination is successful.

The fruits are dehiscent capsule fruits that are enveloped by the Page Down with dryness with longitudinal cracks. They are usually shaken by the wind or washed out during flooding; In this floating diffusion, the floating time can take up to 33 months. Fruit ripening from June to September.

The Vegetative propagation is done by the widely creeping rhizomes or fragments thereof, for example by voles and gardening.


The Real bindweed can be found almost everywhere in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Here it grows mostly in hedgerows or dense scrub.


The Real bindweed contains calystegines which are polyhydroxylated nortropane alkaloids derived in their biosynthesis of the tropane alkaloid biosynthesis. Calystegine A3 and B2 are present in all plant organs.


There are two subtypes of Calystegia sepium described which differ only in the flower color is substantially:

  • Calystegia sepium subsp. sepium: It has white flowers, is found in hedges and fences.
  • Calystegia sepium subsp. baltica Rothm. It has pink colored flowers, hairy petioles, in bushes, to find reed edges, especially on the Baltic Sea.

Calystegia sepium subsp. sepium
