Cavaion Veronese

Cavaion Veronese is a municipality with 5629 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) in the Italian province of Verona.


Cavaion lies to the east of Lake Garda and 26 km from Verona. The highest point is the Monte San Michele, 342 m above sea level.

The neighboring municipalities are Cavaion Veronese: Affi, Bardolino, Lazise, ​​Pastrengo, Rivoli Veronese and Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella.


In Cavaion Veronese are 1687 households. The following are the population trends from 1871 to 2001 is presented:


The first traces of human civilization date back to the Paleolithic period, which are occupied by finds at Monte San Michele ( 45000-35000 BC). The first mention is found in a Lombard document from the year 1130 as " Caput Leonis " (Lion Head ). In the Middle Ages Cavaion belonged to different areas such as rule of the Venetian Republic and Austria - Hungary. 1866 the area was annexed by Italy.

In 2006 Cavaion entered into a twinning with Bad Aibling.


Cavaion lives mainly on the cultivation of fruit, olives and wine. In the second half of the 20th century also increasingly moved out of Craft, Small and Medium Industry.


Cavaion maintains a twinning with
