Celâl Şengör

Mehmet Ali Celâl Sengör, AMC Sengör often cited ( born March 24, 1955 in Istanbul ) is a Turkish geologist. He is a professor at the Technical University of Istanbul. He is particularly concerned with tectonics and the reconstruction of the historical plate tectonics of Asia.

He grew up in a wealthy family in Istanbul. Because of his German mother Ingeborg days he is fluent in German. Celal Sengör studied at the Robert Academy in Istanbul and at the State University of New York at Albany, where in 1978 his bachelor's degree in 1979 and his master's degree earned and received his doctorate in 1982. Then he went to the Istanbul Technical University, where he is a professor since 1992. He has been a visiting scientist at Oxford, at the College de France, the Paris-Sud University and Caltech.

In 1988 he became an honorary doctorate from the Université de Neuchâtel. In 1984, he received the President's Award of the Geological Society of London.

In 2010 he received the Gustav- Steinmann Medal, which was highlighted in the eulogy that he would like no other revitalized with the ideas of plate tectonics of Asia by Emile Argand.

In 2000 he became a member of the National Academy of Sciences and is a member of the Academia Europaea and the Turkish Academy of Sciences ( TUBA ), he is also a member of the American Philosophical Society. He is co-editor of Tectonophysics, Journal of Structural Geology, Tectonics, Eclogues Geologicae Helveticae, Geologia Balcania. Sengör has over 30,000 bands extensive personal library on the subject of geology.

In the Kemalist secular daily Cumhuriyet he writes weekly columns in science. Sengör in Turkey is one of the few personalities who profess to be atheists. It shall be open to the introduction of the theory of evolution in schools, and is a critic of the current ACP - government. As to the question whether he wanted to teach as a professor women with headscarves, he said the following:


  • Publisher Tectonic evolution of the Tethyan Region, Kluwer 1989
  • With Akiho Miyashiro, Keiiti Aki Orogeny, Wiley 1982
  • Is the present the key to the past or is the past the key to the present: James Hutton and Adam Smith versus Abraham Gottlob Werner and Karl Marx in interpreting history, Geological Society of America 2001
  • The large -wavelength deformation of the lithosphere. Materials for a history of the evolution of thought from the earliest times to plate tectonics, Geological Society of America, 2003