Centre de Recherches Mathématiques

The Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM ) at the Université de Montréal is a research institute for mathematics, which was founded in 1968. It has the status of a national Canadian Research Institute.

You have about 100 permanent staff scientists and post-doctoral ( 2011). More than 200 scientists from universities work from the Quebec, Ontario and at its ten research laboratories. The second focus is on Thematic Programmes under international workshops and conferences, they perform with approximately 1,500 guest researchers annually since the 1980s.

The CRM is a series of monographs out (CRM Monograph Series ).

It is supported by NSERC ( Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), the FRQNT (Fonds québécois de la recherche - Nature et technologies ), the National Science Foundation ( NSF), the Clay Mathematics Institute, with NATO funding, to her participating universities, industrial partners and private donors funded. Among the private sector sponsors projects in particular André Aisenstadt (1912-2001) and his foundation out. In his name, André Aisenstadt Prize is awarded.

Other important mathematical research institutes in Canada are the Fields Institute in Toronto and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences ( PIMS ) in Vancouver. With these awards the CRM, the CRM -Fields - PIMS Prize.
