Chamber of Deputies (Romania)

The Chamber of Deputies (Camera Deputaţilor ) was created with the Constitution of 1991 as the lower chamber ( lower house) of the Romanian Parliament. It has its headquarters in the Palace of the Parliament.

Parliament's role is primarily to control the government and the adoption of laws. The deputies themselves have a legislative initiative. Laws are first adopted by the Chamber of Deputies. Thereafter, the draft law is submitted to the Senate. The House of Representatives currently has 341 deputies. Parties representing national minorities have - regardless of the number of votes - the right to a seat in parliament.

The House of Representatives is elected for a combined ratio and direct dialing. The political parties put in the constituencies on candidate lists. Elections take place every four years.


Since 2008

Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies has been present since 19 December 2008 Roberta Alma Anastase by the Liberal Democrat Partidul. After several party crossings the end of 2010 showed the following distribution of seats: PD -L - 124, PSD - PC - 95, PNL - 53, UDMR - 22, National Minorities - 18 Independent - 15, Non-attached - 6 (Source: side of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania Parliament ).


Already in the interwar period, 1919-1940 existed in Greater Romania bikamerales a parliament whose lower house was referred to as the Chamber of Deputies. In 1940, the parliament was dissolved. During the Soviet period was from 1948 to 1989 a unikamerales parliament, the Grand National Assembly, which has never been freely chosen.
