Check MK

Check_mk is a process developed in Python monitoring system. It is completely open source and consists of several components. It is essentially based on Nagios, Icinga and Shinken and extends this to multiple components.


The first version of check_mk was 2008. April 2009 it was released under the GPLv2. Since then, it is also available in a public Git.


Configuration & Check Engine

Instead of the normal Nagios configuration files, enters a stand-alone service discovery and production setting. When performing the tests (English checks ) Check_mk works on its own Art In the test period, each host (English host) only contacted once. The test results are submitted to Nagios as passive checks. This substantially improves the performance on the monitoring server and the monitoring at the hosts.

Live status

Live status is a nagios broker module that provides direct access to data status of hosts and services over a UNIX socket. This allows addons like NagVis a fast and efficient access to state data, making the NDO Database superfluous. Access is via a simple protocol and is by all programming languages ​​without a special library possible.

Multisite - Webgui

Multisite replaces the traditional graphical user interface Nagios GUI. In addition to a fast page offers customizable views, distributed monitoring by including multiple instances via live monitoring status, integration of NagVis and PNP4Nagios, an integrated LDAP connection, access to status data via web services and much more.

WATO - Web Administration

The Web Administration Tool makes a work based on Check_mk system fully manageable via the browser. This includes the management of users, roles, groups, time periods, classical Nagios checks and more. A role concept can assign permissions as granular.

Notification system

Multiple channels can be set up and configured differently for each user. Thus, e.g. the e-mail throughout the day, but SMS triggered only for important issues during on-call time - without the need for several artificial user must be created. In addition, users can configure their own notifications.

Business Intelligence

BI module is integrated into the graphical user interface. It aggregated from many individual state data of hosts and services the entire state of complex applications and similar things. It works completely rule based.

Mobile surface

The mobile version of the graphical user interface allows access to all of the road status data. Also commands like the Acknowledgen and setting of downtime can be performed.

Event Console

The Event Console integrates the processing of log messages and SNMP traps in the monitoring. It is configured via a flexible set of rules and decides which are classified as the incoming messages. You can count, correlate, expect messages to rewrite messages and more. Also it has a built- syslog daemon on port 514 directly receives messages.
