Christian Fouchet

Christian Fouchet ( born November 17, 1911 in Saint- Germain -en- Laye; † August 11, 1974 in Geneva) was a French politician and diplomat, most recently with the rank of ambassador.

Fouchets father was an officer of cavalry. The son studied law in Paris and in 1939 was drafted as a soldier in the Second World War. On June 17, 1940 he managed to escape to London, where he joined Charles de Gaulle.

In 1944 he came to the Foreign Ministry and served in the Soviet Union and then in the Polish Government in Lublin. He has worked among others in Denmark, Italy and India. He also was a member of the National Assembly, Minister of Tunisian and Moroccan questions, French High Commissioner for Algeria as well as Minister of Education and Minister of the Interior in the Fourth and Fifth Republic. 1961 and 1962 Fouchet worked as head of a commission named after him Fouchetpläne.
