Coptic (Unicode block)

The Unicode block Coptic (English Coptic, U 2 C80 to U 2 CFF) was added in Unicode version 4.1. It now contains the characters of the Coptic alphabet, in which the Coptic language was written in a separate block, so that you the typical Coptic letter forms can be assigned regardless of the font while previously provided, the Coptic with the characters of the Greek block to write, who has also contained the special Coptic letters for this purpose.

In the first part of this block contains the classic, Bohairic letters, then altkoptische and dialectal and then Nubian letterforms, finally Coptic symbols, and punctuation, as well as the number sign for ½ ( while can be used as a sign of the integers, the letters of the alphabet, cf Greek figures ).

The German letter names derive mostly of Coptic grammar of Kurt Walter Till (Leipzig, 1961; quoted by Michael Neuhold ).


