Corona Australis


  • Sagittarius
  • Scorpio
  • Altar
  • Telescope

The Southern Crown (Latin: Corona Australis ) is a constellation of the southern sky.


The Southern Crown is a faint constellation south of the prominent summer constellation Sagittarius ( Sagittarius ). It consists of a sheet of stars, of which only achieve the brightest 4 magnitude.

From Germany, only their northern star are deeply seen in the summer sky.


The Southern Crown is one of the 48 constellations of the ancient astronomy, which have already been mentioned by Ptolemy. It forms the heavenly counterpart to the Northern Crown ( Corona Borealis ).

In 1932 the name was changed ( with the genitive " Coronae Austrinae " ) of the International Astronomical Union ( IAU) officially in "Coronation austrina ". The original name " Corona Australis ", however, is more widespread.

Celestial objects


The brightest star is β Coronae Australis, an approximately 400 light-years distant yellowish star of spectral class G7.

α Coronae Australis is 100 light years away. A part of the name Alfecca Meridiana is ancient Arabic origin. It could be derived from al - fakkah ( the Broken ), and to a "broken ring " of stars ( the constellation Southern Crown) relate.

Double stars

γ Coronae Australis is 120 light years distant binary star system consisting of two whitish- yellow stars of spectral types F8. From the Earth seen from the space between the stars is 1.3 arc seconds. In order to separate them visually one needs an average telescope from 8 to 10 cm opening.

The 500 light- years distant system κ Coronae Australis consists of two whitish- blue stars of spectral types B9 and A0. Due to the wide angular separation of 21.4 arc seconds can separate the stars already in a prism binoculars.

Variable Stars

ε Coronae Australis is a variable star of type beta Lyrae. With a regular period of 1.4403 days, its brightness changed from 4.7 to 5.0 m. He is 90 light-years away and is one of the spectral F1 to.

NGC objects

The globular cluster NGC 6541 is about 22,000 light years away. In prism binoculars he can be seen as a bright misty spot. In a medium-sized telescope (15 cm aperture ) it can be resolved into individual stars and offers a beautiful sight. The globular cluster was discovered in the years 1834-1838 by John Herschel.
