Count Ludwig von Cobenzl

Johann Ludwig Graf von Cobenzel (also: Johann Ludwig Joseph Graf Cobenzel ) (* November 21, 1753 in Brussels, † February 22, 1809 in Vienna ) was an Austrian statesman.


Johann Ludwig was one of ten children of the Austrian minister Johann Philipp Graf Karl Cobenzel (1712-1770) and his first wife, Maria Theresa, Countess of Palffy ( 1719-1771 ). 1772 Johann Ludwig Cobenzel entered the Austrian civil service and was under Governor Earl Pergen in the newly acquired Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria active. In 1774 he was ambassador in Copenhagen, 1777 in Berlin and 1779 in Saint Petersburg, where he remained until 1797, from 1786 as ambassador, worked and was accepted into the familiar circle of the Empress Catherine II. In September 1795 he joined the Alliance for Austria with Britain and Russia against France and negotiated in 1797 with Napoleon Bonaparte in Udine. On October 17, 1797 he signed the Treaty of Campo Formio. Since he became ill as a negotiator for the peace negotiations, completed his cousin Johann Philipp Graf Cobenzel as Austrian Vice Chancellor in 1779 the Peace of Teschen from, which ended the War of Bavarian Succession. Subsequently, Cobenzel went to the Congress of Rastatt and led the negotiations that led to the 1801 peace treaty of Luneville, which ended the War of the Second Coalition.

Cobenzel has now been appointed as State Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs. In November he accompanied the court to Olomouc. He put his offices down in 1805 after the Treaty of Pressburg.

He was a staunch supporter of the absolutist monarchy and fierce opponent of the French Revolution.

Cobenzel was in 1774 with Maria Theresia Johanna, Countess de Montebalate, married, with whom he had several children, including a male offspring Carl Ludwig Graf Cobenzel. His grave monument is located in the cemetery grove of Währinger Park.
