Crest (feathers)

The term hood or Holle called in ornithology an erectile Crest on the head of birds. The hood is a special form of the spring. The hood springs are reshaped crown feathers.

A seasonal dimorphism of the dress, ie a periodic change between splendor and tranquility dress is widespread in birds. Some species have therefore only in their breeding plumage, a hood, such as the great crested grebe. The hood can be used both in females and males occur. You can droopy ( eg in the Tufted Duck ), zweizipflig, crown similar ( eg in the harpy ), erectile fan-shaped (eg when Hoopoe ), divided into two parts ( for example, when grebes ) or curved with roof- flags may be formed (eg, when Inca Cockatoo ).

Race pigeon breeding

In the race pigeon breeding, a distinction different dome-shaped spring structures.

The pointed hood or pointed cap is characteristic of some colors pigeons and Mövchen. In this plumage the formation of upward -growing feathers of the hind neck and neck end at the back of the head in an upright, pointed upward converging hood.

The round hood surrounds the curved back of the head and reaches up to the eyes zoom. Shell, transverse and scoop hoods close to both sides of the ears with a spring vortex, the rosette from. They are typical breed characteristics of different colors and trumpeters.

Pointed hood

Shell hood

Poultry Breeding

Also in the race poultry are several dome-shaped spring structures available.

Padua with great full hood


Emporda geese
