
Damage tolerance is a design philosophy which was derived from the fail-safe methodology. She is the youngest of the three design philosophies ( besides the two mentioned there is still the safe -life philosophy). Core statement to the damage tolerance is the tolerance and acceptance of damage of a system to a defined damage size.

For well-founded assessments and damage assessments with possible failure are necessary. A proof of the effects of damage shall be required, should a design from these points arise.

The methodology has been able to account for the advantage of low maintenance costs and a lower weight, as additional components ( Fail safe). But it presupposes a thorough knowledge and a high level of experience in design and durability.

The damage tolerance method has gained acceptance in many areas of aircraft construction ( structure). Reasons are both economic efficiency and a low risk for a thorough interpretation of the construction.

Stark is discussed the damage tolerance in the use of fiber - reinforced polymer composites in aircraft construction because (Low Velocity Impact) can not occur externally visible damage to the aircraft structure, particularly by low - energy collisions.

  • Engineering
  • Aircraft