Deputy leaders of Israel

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in Israel can be divided into three categories: Acting Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. Israeli law distinguishes ( מלא מקום ראש הממשלה ) and the Executive Israeli interim Prime Minister between commissioners Prime Minister. Thus, the office of Israeli Prime Minister commissioner must only be exercised provisionally only for 100 consecutive days, as long as the Prime Minister 's incapacitation. The Israeli interim Prime Minister comes against the used if the incumbent Prime Minister is declared permanent incapacitation.

  • 2.1 List Deputy Prime Minister
  • 3.1 List of Deputy Prime Minister

Acting Prime Minister

The Acting Prime Minister (Hebrew ממלא מקום ראש הממשלה, Memaleh Mekom Rosh HaMemschala, " Platzausfüller the Prime Minister " ) was created as a precautionary measure in the event that on the failure of the prime minister of the provisional prime minister into office as prime minister, first as acting immediately and without further or interim basis or temporarily take over.

The Acting Prime Minister, although commissioned an interim basis with the conduct of current business, but is not authorized to make long-term decisions.

The Office may be exercised only provisionally for 100 consecutive days, as long as the Prime Minister 's incapacitation. While in other countries the term "Acting Prime Minister " refers only to a one-time role currently running in Israel, the term also for the "Acting Prime Minister " appointed Knesset is used, even if the to executive action is never up to date and only a potential or latent remains a slumbering in the given possibility the Office yet still be able to exert an interim basis. The updating and implementation of the risk of possible activity to date has taken place only once. So when Ariel Sharon was declared unfit to govern formally on 11 April 2006 and Ehud Olmert exercised the office as Prime Minister provisionally until 14 April 2006.

The Office was created in 1984 to the elections of the 11th legislative period, when Yitzhak Shamir was given this office on 13 September 1984. Thus, the coalition agreement between Likud and HaMa'arach had provided that Shimon Peres was to take over the post of Israeli Prime Minister for the first part of the term of office, during which Shamir should be appointed as Acting Prime Minister. In September 1986, Shamir was intended to replace in the context of the Israeli model Peres and Prime Minister of the provisional. Both, however, exercised the active transactions as acting Prime Minister never made ​​.

List of inactive Acting Prime Minister

List of active Acting Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Hebrew סגן ראש הממשלה, Segan Rosh HaMemschala ) 1963 created, as Abba Eban came to the post in the government of Levi Eshkol. In 1977, Menachem Begin even two deputies.

1992-1996 this post was abolished, but was re- formed, as Binyamin Netanyahu in 1996 equal appointed four deputies. In the Cabinet of Ehud Olmert were three deputies: one from his party, and the party leaders of the other two major parties of the ruling coalition ( Avodah and Shas ). The coalition government of Benjamin Netanyahu has again four deputies: one from his party ( Likud ), and the party leaders of the three other major parties in the ruling coalition ( Shas, Yisrael Beiteinu and Ha'Atzma'ut ).

List deputy prime minister

Deputy Prime Minister

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Hebrew משנה ראש הממשלה, Mishneh Rosh HaMemshela ) is an honorary designation as for Shimon Peres.

List of Deputy Prime Minister
