
The wolf 's claw, also called dewclaws or Afterzehe, is a which in some breeds first toe on the inside of the hind legs, which when running has no ground contact. Compared with the human anatomy to match the big toe.

Although suggested by the name, wolves do not have the wolf claw.

The first toe to the front legs, namely the thumb claw on the inner side, whereas in all dogs, and numerous other mammals is provided. It has two phalanges.

Terms of Use

According to the German Animal Protection Law of 1 June 1998, a removal of dewclaws is prohibited ( § 6, § 1). Only in cases where this extra claw leads to injury, they may be removed. This is especially true if it depends only on the skin without a bony connection.


In some breeds, such as Berger de Brie or Beauceron dewclaws are even duplicated and also requires the FCI standard. When the wolf claw is formed, it can occur in varying degrees. Most lack the first phalanx ( proximal phalanx ), in the most rudimentary form, it consists only of a phalanx ( distal phalanx ), which is surrounded by the claw.
