Dhammananda Bhikkhuni

Dhammananda Bhikkhuni ( Thai: ภิกษุณี ธั ม ม นันทา, pronunciation: [ p ʰ ík - sù -ni ː t ʰ at - má -nan ta ː ]; born October 6, 1944 in Bangkok ) is the first fully ordained nun ( bhikkhuni ) of Theravada Buddhism in Thailand. Born in 1944 as Chatsumarn Kabilsingh ( Thai: รศ.ดร. ฉัตร สุ มาลย์ กบิล สิงห์ ), she received her full ordination in Sri Lanka since 2003 and leads the death of her mother in the same year the only nunnery Songdhammakalyani Wat ( Thai: วัด ทรงธรรม กัลยาณี ) Nakhon Pathom in and is called by its adherents ' Luang Mae '. She had decided shortly after her retirement as Professor Thammasat University in Bangkok to become a Buddhist nun.


Chatsumarn Kabilsingh 1944 the couple woman Voramai Kabilsingh ( Thai: นาง วร มัย กบิล สิงห์ ): Born and Mr. Kokiat Satsen ( นาย ก่อ เกียรติ ษัฏ เสน Thai). Her father was a member of parliament from the southern province of Trang. Her mother was a teacher Voramai, journalist and writer and was ordained in 1956 as Mae Chi and was eventually the first woman in Thailand, Taiwan in 1971 received a full nuns' ordination. She transformed her home into a temple where her daughter Chatsumarn grew up. After her schooling Chatsumarn Kabilsingh studied in India and Canada and graduated with a doctorate ( Ph.D.) in Buddhist Studies at the Magadh University in Bodhgaya from. She was married and 27 years as a professor of philosophy and religion of Thammasat University in Bangkok. When her three sons were grown up and she retired in 2000 as a professor, she followed the path of her mother and sought ordination as a Buddhist nun. In 2001, she received her first ordination in Sri Lanka and in 2003 became the first woman in Thailand a fully ordained Bhikkhuni Theravada tradition. About the resistors and hostility on the part of the conservative monastic establishment and the closely intertwined government agencies they reported in April 2005 at the " International Conference on Thai Studies" Dr. Chatsumarn Kabilsingh is the author and translator of numerous books and articles on Buddhism in Asia, Buddhism and women, as well as Buddhism and Ecology.


Dhammananda Bhikkhuni is a pioneer for women's rights in Thailand, in particular as regards the right of women to higher nuns' ordination and education. It is also an advocate of Engaged Buddhism. In 1984, she began with the publication of " Yasodhara ", a journal about the activities of Buddhist Women. In 1987 she co-founded the international Buddhist women's organization Sakyadhita whose first congress they organized in Bangkok in 1991. Dhammananda Bhikkhuni and their work is supported by some open-minded monks in Thailand, prominent representatives of Engaged Buddhism, such as Sulak and by Buddhist feminists, such as Rita Gross and others. In 2005 she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Works (selection)

  • A Comparative Study of Bhikkhunã Patimokkha. Chaukhambha Orientalia: India, 1981.
  • Thai Women in Buddhism.Berkeley, CA: Parallax Press, 1991.
  • Women in Buddhism: Questions and Answers.First published 1998 ISBN 974-572-607-9; . As E -book: PDF
  • The Structural Violence Against Women. Nakhonpathom 2005.

