Dog training

Dog training is human impact on a dog with aim to enable the dog a conflict as possible low life in human society, and to enable him to meet the specific tasks expected of them. As a basis for a successful education, it is necessary that there is a clear idea of ​​what the dog should be able to, that actions and tasks are always the same defined and habits are formed.

For the education and training of dogs exist commercial offers in Dog Training and dog trainers. The problem is that there are no legal requirements for the qualifications of the provider.

Evidence of a successful dog training

There are numerous attempts to check the completion of a successful dog training and be certified. These include dog licenses, working dog test team and test. A generally accepted, standardized testimony is not among them. Successful dog training - in terms of social acceptance and conflict-free as possible coexistence - requires specific knowledge and skills of the respective caregivers of the dog. This check is attempted with appropriate expertise evidence.

Behaviorist learning model

On the basis of experience, the dog will show in the same situations, the same or similar behavior. Change the environmental conditions, the dog can change his behavior again.


The dog learns to respond to a certain stimulus with a specific response ( stimulus-response patterns, stimulus-response, trigger mechanism ). This process is referred to as stimulus generalization. There are two forms of conditioning.

Classical conditioning

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov developed the model of classical conditioning. The unconditioned stimulus feed the dog broke the unconditional response of salivation (unconditional because the organism over here has no voluntary control ). Pavlov gave the food to share with a bell. The result was that the originally neutral stimulus bell could trigger the reaction salivation. The absolute reaction salivation became a conditioned, conditioned response.

Very important is to classical conditioning, that the dog feelings and moods engines can be taught with her. In the service and dog sport this is used to the fact that the dog is active or activated in stressful, potentially uncomfortable situations.

→ Main article: Instrumental and operant conditioning

  • Positive punishment, a certain action has an unpleasant stimulus result.
  • Negative punishment, a certain action, the removal of a positive stimulus result - do not sit down, do not get a ball.

For the families, sports and service dog following properties and dispositions of the dog, formerly also drive systems, engines or functional areas are called significant ( see instinct theory ).

Prey behavior can quickly learn the dog. Prey behavior gives the dog safety (who pursued the initiative and dominated ) and does it quickly.

The triggering stimulus: movements Instinctive behavior: fixing track, jump, bite and hold. Instinctual aim: Wear loot, own, peace

A successful education is based on the application of certain rules. Dogs learn the fastest and safest way for positive reinforcement, so reward by tidbits, praise, play or petting immediately after performing a desired action from the owner. For example, a so-called Tug a stimulating motivation object and is often used in the training. It is very important that reward (and punishment ) to happen immediately after the "deed ", already a two second delay is too long for the dog to be able to assign action and effects and, to recognize a connection with his action. Blessed is high, a friendly voice, play or treat. Also, be punished with the voice - in a tone when the dog recognizes our displeasure, but not by shouting the animal. A suitable " punishment", better reproof is an energetic and sharp response, for example, the words "Ugh ", "Off " or " No".

The dog understands human speech not as a language, but as a sequence of notes. He learns to associate the corresponding sequences of notes with an appropriate behavior. Therefore, it is for the dog in the training phase is very important that the commands are always given in the same form, for a given desired action that is always the same command word in the same tone. This should be practiced by anyone who takes the dog. Dogs need a lot of repetition to reinforce the learned content. Common opinions are talking about from 50 to 200 exercises per command ( during the entire training period ) before the new learning is secure.

When you run an one new command, which is still not working properly, or lose holder or dog's pleasure in the exercise, so you finish the tutorial with a command that dominates the dog and loosens him then, for example by playing so education units the dog remain as a good experience in your memory.

  • Search forward: The hunting dog is asked to free search lost.
  • Advance: The dog should move away from the handler to the front, for example to a particular goal.