
The Douglas - Apsley National Park is a national park on the eastern coast of the Australian state of Tasmania. It is located north-east of Hobart, just a few kilometers north-west of the coastal town Bicheno. The park covers 16,080 hectares and was placed under protection in 1989.


The Douglas - Apsley National Park is one of the newer national parks in Tasmania and includes the basins of the three rivers Apsley River, Denison Rivulet and Douglas River.

Local attractions include deep canyons, waterfalls, dry eucalyptus forests, but also rain and deciduous forests and heathlands. The climate is characterized by very mild and the eastern location on the island. Visitors can take both short walks as well as extended day hikes over several days.


Although the area is wild and difficult to access, it was crossed by the mid-19th century of ways that served the development of the extraction of mineral resources. Over 100 years of coal was mined. The different use by farmers, trappers and by mining probably prevented large-scale deforestation, why could it will remain in a forest landscape of unique diversity of plant and animal species.


In the National Park several notable bird species occur, such as Tasmanian cesspool chicken, yellow -bellied parrot, the honeyeater species Yellow -throated Honeyeater, Schwarzkopf Honigschmecker, Strong -billed Honigschmecker, Yellow Rag honeyeater, the tribe Skitterer ( Acanthornis magna), the South Pacific warbler species Acanthiza ewingii and Sericornis humilis, the Tasmanwürgerkrähe and Schnäpperarten Tasmanschnäpper, Flammenbrustschnäpper and rose chest - catch.
