Dragon Gate Taoism

The Dragon Gate School (Chinese龙 门派/龙 门派, Pinyin Longmen pai, English The Dragon Gate Sect ) is a school of Quanzhen Daoism, one of the four major schools of Daoism. It was founded by Qiu Chuji (丘处机/丘处机), which is also known under the name Changchunzi长春 子or Changchun长春. It is named after the Longmen Grotto (龙 门洞/龙 门洞, English Dragon Gate Cave ) named in a circle Long in the Chinese province of Shaanxi.

Her most important texts include the Secret of the Golden Flower (太 一 金华 宗旨/太 一 金华 宗旨, Taiyi junling Zongzhi, English The Secret of the Golden Flower ), a work attributed to Lu Dongbin.
