Duplicity (Software)

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Duplicity is the name of a data backup software, with which you can create backups (English backups).


The program supports a variety of objectives, including:

  • Locally,
  • SSH / SCP,
  • rsync
  • FTP,
  • WebDAV,
  • IMAP ( e -mail) or
  • Amazon S3

Duplicity works best for Unix-like systems (eg Linux, BSD and Mac OS X), you can use but under Windows using Cygwin. Currently the application supports deleted files, UNIX file permissions, directories, symbolic links, FIFOs and drive files, but not hard links.

The program is released under the GNU General Public License and thus free software.


Duplicity uses incremental backups. Using the rsync algorithm detects the changes. The files are stored in an archive using tar, for rdiff deltas is used. If in doubt, one could also directly extract the backup files. Furthermore, the backups can be encrypted with GnuPG.
