Eigil of Fulda

Eigil of Fulda (also Aeigil, Aegil, Aigil, Egil, Eygil, Fiegil, Figil; * 750 in Bavaria, † 15 June or August 6 in Fulda 822 ) came from a Bavarian nobility and was 818 fourth abbot of the monastery of Fulda.


He was a pupil of Abbot Sturmi, his uncle, with whom he later provost and alderman in Abtsgericht has been passed and in childhood by his parents as the Oblate monastery of Fulda. The existence-threatening crisis that had its predecessor Ratgar triggered by a hard and uncompromising regiment, by interfering with the traditional Consuetudines and be forced construction program, Eigil belonged to his opponents, was one of the authors of the anti- his administration letter of complaint ( Supplex Libellus ) and to the members of a at the peak of the dispute had fled from the monastery of monks. As abbot, but he sat down later for the pardon and return of his predecessor in addition to the Fulda monastery mountain woman. During the interregnum after the deposition Ratgers the reform of Benedict of Aniane in Fulda the Pious had been introduced, which had to accept Eigil as a new basis, without, however, to follow her into great detail on the orders of the Emperor Louis. So he left to continue the outpost of monks and not as specified Manage by laymen. During his tenure, he managed through mitigation measures, cooperative management style and the retentive by recourse to the integrative ideas for reform of Benedict of Aniane with its combination of altmonastischer spirituality, asceticism, Benedictine tradition and reform to overcome the crisis and the reconciliation to the ideal of ascetic solitude monastery traditionalists and the relation to the innovations of the Carolingian renaissance in education, arts and culture open-minded grouping. It was probably Eigil, who chose the head of the monastery school Rabanus Maurus, a representative of the new spirit with which he in the construction and liturgical projects of his abbacy (see below) worked closely provost and presumptive successor. He died in 822 at an old age surrounded by his brothers. His grave, which he is said to have dug along the lines of Benedict of Nursia with his own hands, is located in the crypt of the Abtsgrablege conceived as given by him in a Michael Church. A biography written by the monk Eigils Brun Candidus of Fulda as Opus geminum in two books in prose (Book I) and verse (Book II) to 840


Eigil wrote, probably in advance of the 820 carried out translation of the relics of Gründerabtes, whose biography, the Vita Sturmi primi Abbatis et fundatoris Fuldensis coenobii. The Fulda monk Brun Candidus he led the drafting of the Vita the second abbot of Fulda Baugulf. He is the founder of the impressive Fulda Vitenreihe, which includes the first five abbots ( Sturmi, Baugulf, Ratgar, Eigil, Rabanus Maurus ), and the St. Boniface and Fulda Leoba. Fulda students are Ermenrich of Ellwangen, the author of the Sermo de Vita as solos of the hermit Sola from Solnhofen, a Fulda provost, as well as the emperor 's biographer Einhard and Walahfrid Strabo, the author and editor of numerous biographies ( Vita S. Galli, Vita breasts, Vita Blaithmaic, Vita S. Otmari; Einharts vita Karoli, Thegans Gesta Hludowici ). He completed the begun by his two predecessors Salvator 's Basilica in Fulda, which today usually called by its builder Ratgar 's Basilica, and had to retrofit two crypts, which are among the earliest hall crypts. He also had a Rabanus Maurus Cemetery, designed by Chapel, St. Michael, build a central building on eight columns with dome and crypt. To the cult of Gründerabtes Sturmius his relatives, he took special care by creating he whose grave in the south aisle of the basilica Salvator - new, perform its translation and let his liturgical Memoria rearrange. This also included the reading of the above mentioned Vita Sturmi. Probably this liturgical single action is in connection with a reform of the liturgy, through which a new, compiled by Rabanus Maurus Sacramentary, a Gregorio Gelasianum mixtum, was introduced in Fulda. The new convent building he could not finish. Under his short abbacy the monastic life flourished and created the conditions that Fulda was able to rise under his successor Rabanus Maurus one of the most important centers of spiritual culture. His grave, which he is said to have dug along the lines of Benedict of Nursia with his own hands, is located in the crypt of the Abtsgrablege conceived as given by him in a Michael Church.

The Catholic feast day is on June 15.
