
Express also Ekspress (Russian Экспресс ) is the name of a series of communications satellites of Russian Satellite Communications Company ( RSCC ), headquartered in Moscow.

The first Express spacecraft was launched on 13 October 1994, since then the Satellite range has been constantly improved and now includes models Express and Express A, AM Express, Express MD and complement the surroundings of Express in developing AT.

Most satellites are manufactured by NPO PM. The smaller and lighter model Express MD is manufactured by Khrunichev GKNPZ on the basis of KazSat - 1 satellite. The 5775 kg heavy Express AM4 was built by Astrium on the basis of the satellite bus Euro Star 3000. After his false start in an unusable orbit of functional satellite on March 25, 2012 was brought specifically to crash. An identical replacement satellite is ordered under the name Express AM- 4R. Together with Express AM- 4R ordered RSCC at Astrium satellite Express AM- seventh

As a starting rocket occurred in all satellites a Proton-K/Block-DM-2M- or Proton-M/Bris-M-Rakete for use. Two satellites were lost due to malfunction of the launch vehicle.

The Express satellite fleet
