Erythronium caucasicum

Caucasus dog tooth ( Erythronium caucasicum )

The Caucasus dog tooth ( Erythronium caucasicum ) is a species in the lily family ( Liliaceae ).


The Caucasus dog tooth is a perennial, herbaceous plant onion, reached the stature heights of 10 to 20 centimeters. The leaves are spotted red. The flowers are borne singly. The tepals are white with a yellow background, or yellow, polka dots on the inside of the upper red and 25 to 40 millimeters long.

The flowering period is in March, they rarely begins in February.


The Caucasus dog tooth is found in the Western Caucasus and in Western Caucasus. The species grows on bushy slopes, meadows and scree at altitudes between 500-2300 meters.


The Caucasus dog tooth is rarely used as an ornamental plant for woodland edges, rock gardens and dry lawn.


  • Corner Hardt J. Hunter, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd Müller K. (ed.): Rothmaler - Excursion Flora of Germany. Volume 5: Herbaceous ornamental and useful plants. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8.
  • Lily plants