European route E96

Template: Infobox trunk road / Maintenance / EU -E


  • Turkey

The European Route 96 (abbreviated: E 96 ) crosses Turkey from west to east through the Anatolian part of Turkey starting in Izmir until after Sivrihisar. As the motorway European route is not expanded.


The European route 96 runs from Izmir, where they 87 departs from the European route, via the D 300 by Turgutlu by the Gediztal and Usak over the course of the river Banaz Çayı after Afyonkarahisar. From there, the E 96 on the D260 runs north past Emirdağ and finally reaches Sivrihisar, where it meets the E90.

The European Route 96 crosses the Turkish provinces of Izmir, Manisa, Usak, Afyonkarahisar and Eskisehir.
