
The Excelsiorwerke GmbH factory for Precision Mechanics & automotive institution was a German machine and automobile manufacturers, who was a resident from 1900 to 1914 in Köln- Nippes. With the bike works Excelsior in Brandenburg ( Havel ) was no connection, just as with various motorcycle and automobile manufacturers in the UK, Belgium or Switzerland.

First, we dealt with the construction of the phonograph and dictaphones. An automobile repair shop was connected. From 1910, also own automobiles were built that were offered under the brand name Excelsior - Mascot.

The four-seater Phaeton limousines and had engines from Fafnir. The two-cylinder model developed 8 hp ( 5.9 kW ), while ( 10.3 kW ) or 18 hp was the four-cylinder models with 14 hp ( 13.2 kW).

1914, the production was terminated at the beginning of the First World War. Existing vehicles were still available until 1922.


  • Halwart Schrader: German cars from 1886 to 1920. 1st edition. Motorbuchverlag Stuttgart ( 2002). ISBN 3-613-02211-7. page 173
  • Harald Linz, Halwart Schrader: The International Motor encyclopedia. United Soft Media Verlag, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-8032-9876-8.
  • George Nick Georgano (chief editor ): The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile. Volume 1: A- F. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago 2001, ISBN 1-57958-293-1. (English)

Aachen | AAG | ABAM | Eagle | Aegir | Alliance | Allright | Altmann | AMG | Andreas | Anchor | Ansbach | Apollo | Argus | Asdomobil | Asclepius | Attila | Audi | Autognom | Beckmann | BEF | Behr | Benz | Berger | Miner Metallurgique | Berolinahaus | Lightning | BMF | Boes | Brandt | Brown | Brennabor | Bugatti | C. Benz Söhne | Chatel- Jeannin | Cito | Clou Mobile | Colibri | Corona | COS | Coswiga | Cudell | Cyklon | Daimler | De Dietrich | Deka | Dessau | Dessavia | Germany | Deutz | Dixi | Dreyhaupt | Ducommun | Duerkopp | Dux | Dynamobil | EBM | Ehrhardt | Ehrhardt decauville | Unicycle | Ekamobil | Electra | Elites' | EMW | Engelhardt | Erdmann | Excelsior - Mascot | Express | FAF | Fafnir | Falcon | Bookmark | FEG | Feldmann | Fiedler | Fischer (1902-1905) | Fishing (1912-1913) | Flakes | Foth | Fulgura | Fulmina | Gaggenau | Geha | Göricke | Gottschalk | Hammonia | Hansa | Hartmann | Heilbronn | Heinle & Wegelin | Helios | Henschel | Hermes simplex | Witch | Hille | Horch | Hüttis & Hardebeck | Always mobile | Imperator | Kamper | KAW | Kayser | Kempten | KEW | Kliemt | Klingenberg | Cologne engine car | Komnick | Kondor | Warriors | Krupkar | Kruse | Cold stone | lark | Liliput | Lloyd | Lorelei | Loutzky | LUC | Lueders | Lutzmann | Lux | MAF | Magdeburg | Magnet | Mars | Martinot et Galland | Mathis | Mason - Union | Maxwerke | Mayer | Mercedes | Meyrel | Miele | MMB | mono | MVD | Nacke | NAG | NAIG | Neuss | Noris | NSU | Opel | Orient Express | Oryx | Panther | Pasing | Patria | Pekrun | Tiller | phenomenon | Piccolo | Planet | Podeus | Polymobil | Presto | Priamus | Primus | Progress | Protos | Raven - Mobile | RAW | Record | Regent | Reissig | Rex - Simplex | SAF | Scheele | Scheibler | Schilling | Schuckert | Schulz | Seidel & Naumann | Sekurus | Seal | Siegfried | Siemens -Schuckert | Samson | Solidor | hawk | Standard | Stella | Steudel | Stoewer | Sun | Superior | typhoon | Taunus | Tempelhof | Thuringian motor car factory | Tippmann | Tourist | Tresckow | Trio Mobile | Ulmann | Ultra Mobile | Utermöhle | VCS | velomobile | Vesuvius | Victoria | Vindelica | Vogtland | Volcano | Wanderer | Wartburg | Weichelt | White | Wenkelmobil | general | Westfalia | Windhoff | Wunderlich | Central mobile

  • Former car manufacturers ( Germany )
  • Former company (Cologne)