Fabbriche di Vallico

Fabbriche di Vallico is a district of Fabbriche di Vergemoli in the province of Lucca in Tuscany.


Fabbriche di Vallico is in the middle Serchio Valley (Media Valle ) to the right of the Serchio at its inflow Turrite Cava. To place includes the districts Gragliana, Vallico Sopra Sotto and Vallico.

The neighboring towns are Borgo a Mozzano, Gallicano, Pescaglia and Vergemoli


A bridge from the 14th century over the Turrite Cava in Fabbriche di Vallico formerly provided the inches between the possessions of Modena and Lucca. Since the mid 19th century the place has has constantly lost population (1871: 1850 inhabitants). The municipality became independent until immediately after the Second World War. On January 1, 2014, the City was merged with the neighboring municipality of Vergemoli to the new community Fabbriche di Vergemoli.
