Fausto Sozzini

Fausto Sozzini, also Sozini, Socini, Sozin and Faustus ( born December 5, 1539 Siena, † March 3, 1604 in Luslawice, Poland), was a Unitarian theologian and was with his uncle Lelio Sozzini a leading figure of the type of Unitarianism, which was later called Socinianism.


Sozzini had to leave his home town in 1559 and lived in 1562 in Zurich. Through the study of the literary estate of his uncle, he acquired completely on its theological beliefs. He returned to Italy, but had to go to a twelve -year stay at the Florentine court again fleeing the Inquisition, went in 1574 to Basel in 1578 to Transylvania to act in the broken out between Francis Davidis and Giorgio Biandrata dispute over the adoration of Christ as an arbitrator. Likewise, he fought unsuccessfully in the following year in Krakow Anabaptist positions of the local Polish brothers. It was not until 1603 Anabaptist tendencies from the congregation of Unitarians were excluded. Sozzini lived since 1587 back in Cracow. Having had mistreated him as a heretic, the Krakow student and all his papers had been burned, he moved in 1598 to the nearby Luslawice, where he spent the last years of life under the protection of a Polish nobleman. Sozzini had been instrumental in the conclusion of a year after his death for the first time published Rakower Catechism of the Polish brothers.


  • Brevis explicatio in primum caput of John. ( Lyons 1562, Amsterdam 1569 ) - Prologue of John's Gospel. (There is also a Brevis explicatio in primum caput of John ( 1559 ) by Lelio Sozzini ).

