Federation of British Artists

The Federation of British Artists (FBA ) is the umbrella organization for a total of nine British artists' associations and has its headquarters in the Mall Galleries, Carlton House Terrace 17 in London, where the nine companies of the Federation of British Artists are housed. Goal of FBA is to attract the public to the appreciation of the visual arts and to illustrate the works of contemporary artists.

The FBA was founded in 1960 and originated from the Art Exhibitions Bureau, which coordinated the exhibitions of various art associations. The FBA has over 500 artist members and was able to show the works of far more than 10,000 artists in exhibitions, which are visited by over 60,000 people per year. Submissions will be selected by well-known artists. The exhibitions dealing with various painting traditions such as plein air painting, history painting, landscape painting, portraiture and still life or devote themselves to certain media such as oil paint, acrylic paint, watercolor and pastel. Most works of art can be purchased or even rented. A further support is given to the artists by over 100 prizes and awards that are awarded throughout the year. In addition, the companies of the FBA also organize numerous workshops, tutorials, demonstrations and lectures.

Companies of the FBA
