Frank Zane

Frank Zane ( born June 28, 1942 in Kingston, Pennsylvania, also known as the chemist or the pharmacist ) is a former professional bodybuilder and teacher from the United States.


Zane was awarded in 1964 a Bachelor of Science in education from Wilkes University, Barre and taught for years mathematics and chemistry at different schools in New Jersey and Florida. From this time his later nickname derived, the chemist and the pharmacist. In the late 1970s he moved to California and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at California State University, Los Angeles. In 1990 it finally was awarded a Master of Arts in experimental psychology at California State University, San Bernardino.


Zane coached during his playing days as a bodybuilder on the side of Dave Draper, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbu, and Mike Katz. By winning the IFBB Mr. Universe in 1968, he celebrated his first major success as an amateur, where he taught Schwarzenegger one of his three defeats in his career. 1970 saw him winning the NABBA Mr. Universe, he could achieve in the professional class again two years later for Zane. 1977-1979 took Zane and also with the IFBB Mr. Olympia the most prestigious title in bodybuilding. With his former body weight of just 84 kg of 1.75 meter Americans is one of the lightest titleholders of all time. After a serious injury, he finished his professional career in 1983.

In the 1980s, Zane led a gym in Palm Springs. In 2005, he worked as a speaker and consultant to the IFBB in the movie " See Arnold Run". Since 2006, he gives seminars and personal training session as part of his program "The Zane Experience" in San Diego, where he currently lives with his wife Christine Zane.

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