FreeHAL is a self-learning dialogue program.


Initially, the program was named in reference to the said ELIZA conversation simulator by Joseph Weizenbaum JEliza. The J was here for Java, the programming language in which the program was first conceived. In early May 2008, it was renamed from JEliza in FreeHAL because the previous name no longer consistent with the programming languages ​​used now. The name is based on the fictional since computer of the spaceship Discovery in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.


FreeHAL uses a semantic network and also works with pattern recognition, Stemmern, Wortartdatenbanken and Hidden Markov models to mimic a human behavior as possible in conversations.

FreeHAL learns as their own. By communicating via keyboard, the program expanded its knowledge base. It supports the languages ​​German and English, which so far exists an extensive database as a semantic net for German.

FreeHAL @ home

Together with the BOINC necessary for FreeHAL semantic networks can be established by using this program.


2008 FreeHAL won the 1st prize in the category of " Most Popular " in international Chatterbox Challenge, an annual competition between all submitted chatbot implementations.


In the magazine com! the program was represented as JEliza on the Heft-CD/-DVD 4/2008 and 5/2008 and ranked among the top 10 open source programs of the month. In Linux Magazine, Issue 97 December 2008, the program was also discussed.
