Gens de Terre River

The Rivière Gens de Terre is a river in the Laurentides and Outaouais administration of the Canadian province of Quebec.

The Rivière Gens de Terre flows over a distance of 97 km from the Réservoir Cabonga in an easterly direction through the Réserve faunique La Vérendrye to Réservoir Baskatong. The outflow is regulated by the dam Barrage Cabonga. The river flows through the lake Lac Saint -Amour, in which the Rivière Bélinge coming from the north flows. Shortly thereafter, the Rivière Gens de Terre passed the two river widenings Poigan Lac and Petit lac Poigan. He takes the Rivière Wapus on the left side. In the lower reaches of the two smaller rivers rivère à la Carpe Rivière Serpent and open the right side into the river. The Rivière Gens de Terre finally flows into the Baie Gens de Terre, a bay on the western shore of the reservoir through which the Rivière Gatineau Réservoir Baskatong. The catchment area covers 5672 km ². The average discharge is 87 m³ / s

The 25 km long section of the river below the confluence of the Wapus River is a popular kayaking and canoeing waters. The difficulty of the rapids is II -IV.

The river was once used for rafting.
