Géza Tóth (weightlifter)

Géza Tóth [ ɡe ː zɒ to ː t] ( born January 25, 1932 in Sorokpolány; † 4, 2011 in Szombathely ) was a Hungarian weightlifter.


Géza Tóth started in 1952, so until the age of 20, with the weight lifting, after he had played as a boy and youth football. The weightlifting club he ran in the VSE Haladás Szombathely. His coach was Sándor Gere. Mid-1950s had reached the Hungarian top class and found through rigorous training soon after the world's top Tóth. In 1960, he finished at the Olympic Games in Rome with 417.5 kg in the light heavyweight division to fourth place and just missed a medal. The winning an Olympic medal he won then in 1964 in Tokyo to. There he won the silver medal, again in the light heavyweight ( to 82.5 kg of body weight). His greatest sporting achievements was winning the world title in Berlin in 1966 in the Middle Heavyweight ( up to 90 kg body weight).

Géza Tóth, which was active until 1970, was gymnastics and sports teacher.

International success

(OS = Olympic Games, WM = World Championship, EM = European Championship, Le = Light Heavyweight, Ms = medium heavyweight)

World Record

In Olympic triathlon:

  • 487.5 kg, 1966 in Szombathely.