Gintaras Grušas

Gintaras Linas Grušas ( born September 23, 1961 in Washington, DC, USA) is Archbishop of Vilnius.


The Archbishop of Vilnius, Juozas Audrys Backis, ordained him a priest on 25 June 1994. From 2001 to 2003 he was rector of the seminary in Vilnius.

Pope Benedict XVI. appointed him on 19 June 2010 as the military bishop of Lithuania. He received his episcopal consecration of the Archbishop of Vilnius, Juozas Cardinal Audrys Backis, on 4 September of the same year; Co-consecrators were Eugenijus Bartulis, Bishop of Šiauliai, and Sigitas Tamkevicius SJ, Archbishop of Kaunas. Besides his work as Military Bishop Grušas also practiced the duties of the Secretary-General of the Lithuanian Bishops' Conference.

Pope Francis appointed him on April 5, 2013 Archbishop of Vilnius.
