Gregorio Sablan

Gregorio Sablan Kilili Camacho ( born January 19, 1955 in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands) is an American politician. Since 2009 he represents the Northern Mariana Islands as a delegate in the House of Representatives of the United States.


Gregorio Sablan attended schools and high schools of his home. He then studied at the University of Guam, the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Between 1981 and 1986 he served in the United States Army. In the late 1980s he worked for the U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. Between 1982 and 1986 he sat in the House of Representatives of the Northern Mariana Islands. In the following years he was a consultant of the territorial governors Pedro Tenorio and Froilan Tenorio.

In 2008, the Northern Mariana Islands, an official not stimmberechigter Congress delegate has been granted. Until then there was only one representative, who bore the title Resident Representative; this function was exercised until then Sablan. In the following elections on 4 November 2008, he was elected as an independent candidate in his new office. On 3 January 2009 he took up his mandate in Congress in Washington DC of. On 23 February the same year he became a member of the Democratic Party. After the previous two elections, he can exercise his mandate until today. He is a member of the Agriculture Committee, and the Committee on Natural Resources, and in four sub-committees. He is also a seven Congressional Caucuses.
