
The figure of the Gremlins is a mythical creature and was built in the early 20th century. Roald Dahl, who had also served in the Royal Air Force, published 1943 " The Gremlins ". The story of little goblins - particularly in view of mechanics and here especially aviation - do a lot of nonsense, and their aviation adventure was to serve on behalf of the Walt Disney Studios as a template for a movie. This failed, apparently in coordination problems with the British Air Force. Warner Brothers used the rights to the character in several later films.

The Gremlin has, like many other species also goblin, fun pranks, especially in mechanical and technical fields. So a Gremlin was accused example during the Second World War, when aircraft crashed seemingly without cause. American or British pilots who served time in the Middle East, told of alleged little monsters who took her plane apart or in the engine room to mischief.

Is also frequently reported eerie faces in front of the front window of aircraft that crashed shortly after. The episode Nightmare at 20,000 Feet the U.S. television series The Twilight Zone from 1963 processed this way: An airline passenger observed during a thunderstorm, a goblin -like creature here, as it will damage the engines of passenger aircraft. In one scene the character is looking through the window into the plane and is doing with his face directly in front of the disc. The rather quirky, bearish appearance of this creature was changed at the remake of this episode for the Twilight Zone movie ( Twilight Zone, 1983) in a while anthropromorphes, but otherwise rather amphibian -like, strong -wire being without clothing, with superhuman strength.

The Gremlins include the Fifinella female gremlin, which were drawn by Walt Disney, and the widgets, the children of the Gremlins.

In the 1980s, the Gremlins obtained by the films Gremlins - Small monsters and Gremlins 2 - Gremlins by Joe Dante new attention. In this film adaptation of a Mogwai named Gizmo is presented; a gentle and friendly little creatures from Chinatown. However, when it comes in contact with water, it multiplies by sprouts, which are significantly meaner. Feed it mogwais after midnight, they pupate and become Gremlins - scaly, bat-like, little monsters. While they tend to want to short-circuit electronics, but they also show otherwise a great fondness for destruction, panic, chaos and vandalism.
