Hafnia (bacterium)

Cultures of Hafnia alvei

Bacteria of the genus Hafnia is gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae ( Enterobacteriaceae ).

The only Hafnia species Hafnia alvei is a harmless inhabitant of the intestine and part of the natural intestinal flora of man. Only rarely is the bacterium to inflammation in compromised individuals, such as organ transplant or involved for reasons other immunosuppressed patients and can be found in blood, pus, sputum or urine. The therapy should be based on not acutely life-threatening infections in the antibiogram of the isolated nucleus. As long as this is not present, therapy with a third - generation cephalosporin, a fluoroquinolone group II or with a Pseudomonas - acting beta -lactam antibiotic, if necessary, to begin in combination with an aminoglycoside antibiotic. The pathogen is resistant to a variety of antibiotics, including against aminopenicillins.

You can also Hafnia alvei frequently isolated from minced meat. It comes at slaughter of the animals from the gut into the meat.
