

Häggenschwil is a municipality in the canton of St. Gallen. It is located in the constituency of St. Gallen.


Häggenschwil is located on the sitter between St. Gallen and Amriswil. The municipality has an exclave in the district of the municipality in the canton of Thurgau Egnach. It is the court Raach, the same time as 463 m above sea level. M. is also the lowest point of the community. The farm Ruggisberg on the border to the municipality Roggwil is also an exclave, but separated by an exclave of the municipality Wittenbach SG of Häggenschwil. To the municipality together with the village Häggenschil include the settlements Lömmenschwil, Agen and Chollerberg.


Politically belong the village Lömmenschwil is ( Zip code: 9308 ).


Castles Old Ramschwag and Rabenstein

From the built shortly after 1200 ancestral castle of the lords of Ramschwag today only the ruins with a tower remains, residential and farm buildings and a curtain wall with gate system is obtained. The site of the ruined castle has been carefully chosen: the north and west it is protected through the Ravines and the sitter, to the east by three trenches.

Later came Alt- Ramschwag by marriage to Rudolf von Rosenberg, who sold the castle in 1427 and finally to Ulrich Burkard von Helmsdorf ( South German nobles ). However, the unit was only to 1490 in their possession: Then Ramschwag was abandoned because the southern part of the fortress fell down to the sitter. The farmer Hans Rudolf Koller was new and the last private owner of the ruin, and removed all the wood work for sale.

Already in 1932 Ramschwag was backed by the Swiss Burgverein.

The easily accessible castle New Ramschwag (also called Rabenstein ) at the sitter was removed over time and used for buildings - like the Church in Häggenschwil.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms depicts two herschauende, rotbewehrte and rotgezungte winning golden leopards on yellow dar. This is derived from the coat of arms of the knightly family of the lords of Ramschwag.


Interior of Church of St. Notker

Ceiling fresco in the Church


Cultural " culture in the bear "

