
- Total - Contribution to PRC

460,000 km ² 4.79%

- Total 2010 - Density

38.26 million inhabitants 80 inhabitants / km ²

Heilongjiang (Chinese黑龙江/黑龙江, Black Dragon River ") is a province in the northeast of the People's Republic of China. It is bordered to the north and east by Russia, to the south by Jilin Province and the west by the Inner Mongolia. Its capital is Harbin.


Important rivers are the Heilong Jiang, Songhua Jiang and the Ussuri, major mountain the Great Hinggan Mountains in the far northwest and the Small Hinggan Mountains in the north and northeast.

The province is divided into twelve prefecture-level cities and county government:

  • Harbin City (哈尔滨 市),
  • Daqing City (大庆 市),
  • Hegang City (鹤岗 市),
  • Heihe City (黑河 市),
  • Jiamusi City (佳木斯 市),
  • Jixi City (鸡西 市),
  • Mudanjiang City (牡丹江 市),
  • Qiqihar City (齐齐哈尔 市),
  • Qitaihe City (七台河 市),
  • Shuangyashan City (双鸭山 市),
  • Suihua City (绥化 市),
  • Yichun City (伊春 市),
  • Region of Great Hinggan Mountains (大兴安岭 地区).

Demography and autonomy

Approximately 95 % of the population is Han Chinese, about 0.3 % of the population are Muslim Hui Chinese. The Manchu represent almost 3 % of the population, Koreans about 1 %, but only 0.4 % have a Mongol autonomous county in Dorbod ( Daqing ).

Between the two world wars, there was a significant community of exiled Russians in Harbin. Among the Russians again, there were some thousands of escaped Jews from Russia, whose leader Dr. Abraham Kaufman as well as the Russian "White " collaborated with the Japanese. However, this effect Fugu Plan failed to Japanese reprisals against the Jewish emigrants in Harbin.


The cityscape of the provincial capital Harbin lend Russian restaurants and bakeries a little Russian style: the end of the 19th century and after the October Revolution, lived here many Russians.

Regular events


In southern China, Harbin is now known as the city of ice, because since 1963, takes place every year on January 5, the Eislaternenfest instead. From blocks of ice sculptures are created and illuminated color.

Anhui | Chongqing | Fujian | Gansu | Guangdong | Guangxi | Guizhou | Hainan | Hebei | Heilongjiang | Henan | Hong Kong | Hubei | Hunan | Inner Mongolia | Jiangsu | Jiangxi | Jilin | Liaoning | Macau | Ningxia | Beijing | Qinghai | Shaanxi | Shandong | Shanghai | Shanxi | Sichuan | Taiwan ( claimed, not controlled ) | Tianjin | Tibet | Xinjiang | Yunnan | Zhejiang

48.136766666667125.68359375Koordinaten: 48 ° N, 126 ° E

  • Province (China)
  • Heilongjiang