Herchenhainer Höhe

Herchenhainer height from south

The Herchenhainer height is 733 m height the fourth highest mountain in the Vogelsberg, Hesse, Germany.

The mountain lies immediately north-northeast of Herchenhain within the boundaries of the municipality Grebenhain and represents the southernmost mountain of the upper Forest dar. is located on the slopes of height Herchenhainer a small ski resort. From the summit of the mountain, through which runs a part of the Rhine -Weser watershed, the view stretches with very good visibility from the three-position Zberg in the southeast through the Spessart in the south to the Odenwald and even Thunder Mountain in the southwest. In the west the view of the Wetterau away enough to the Great Feldberg and the horse head in the Taunus. In the northwest of Dünsberg can be seen.

Just south of Herchenhainer height springs the Lueder.

  • Mountain in Europe
  • Mountain in Hesse
  • Mountain under 1000 meters
  • Grebenhain
  • Geography ( Vogelsberg )
  • Winter sports area in Germany
  • Mountain in the Vogelsberg