Hermann von Wartberge

Hermann von Wartberge (* around 1330 in what is now Lower Saxony, † 1380 in Livonia) Kaplan was the Country Master of the Teutonic Order in Livonia and a chronicler of Livonia.

Wartberge came from the present-day Lower Saxony, his family may have come from Warburg in Westphalia. A Hermann von Wartberge was in 1278 mayor of Mars hill, and possibly one of his ancestors.

Hermann von Wartberge was a priest and chaplain of the country was Master of the Teutonic Order in Livonia. For the Order, he was also repeatedly worked as an envoy. So he traveled to Gdansk in 1366 to enforce the claims of the Order to the bishop of Riga.

He wrote a chronicle of Livonia ( Chronicon Livoniale ). Scripture was written in Latin interspersed with many errors. It deals with the history of the country from its beginnings to the year 1378th For the beginning of the work to Hermann supported by Wartberge on older written sources and partly on oral tradition. The story was written for the purposes of the Order. In the second part from 1358 he relied on oral traditions, in his possession documents and on their own experiences. In particular, for the past decades wins the chronicle as a value for historical research.


  • Chronicon Livoniae. Digitalisat
  • Juozas Jurginis (ed.): Livonijos kronikos. Henrikas Latvis, Hermanas Vartbergė, Vilnius, 1991, ISBN 5-420-00466-6.
  • Ēvalds Mugurēvičs (ed.): Vartberges hermana Livonijas hronika, Riga 2005, ISBN 998-4-601-44-7.