Hoshaiah Rabbah

R. Hoshayah, in pal. Talmud usually Oschaja, son of Chama ben Bisa, to distinguish it from amora of the third generation also Hoshayah Rabbah ( " the Great, Elder" ) called, was a Jewish scholar of the ancient world, is counted among the Palestinian Amoraim the 1st generation and lived and participated in the third century AD, first in Sepphoris, later in Caesarea, where he headed a school.

He was a pupil of R. Hiyya bar Qappara and the teacher Johanan.

He collected as Mischnajot that there are also Hiyya and Bar Qappara, extensive travels tirelessly among others in the Baraita, Tosefta and the Talmud itself, which he was an influential teacher. This Mischnajot sometimes helped to resolve long -simmering disputes ( bab Shabbat 145 b). Hoshayah is also considered one of the originators of the so-called Midrash Rabbah.
