Hun, Libya

29.1215.94Koordinaten: 29 ° 7 ' 12 " N, 15 ° 56' 24" E

Hon or Houn (Arabic هون, DMG hun hu ː n) is an oasis city in the northern Fezzan region south-west of Libya. The city is the capital of the Hon Munizips Giofra.


Once the location Hon increasingly fell during the Ottoman rule, the city flourished in the colonial period through Italian Libya. Hon has been upgraded to the administrative capital of the Italian Fezzan region, called Territorio del Sahara libico.

A small Libyan- Italian community of 1.156Personen lived in Hon In the census of 1939 they made 3 % of the total population of 35 316 people in the city. After the United Kingdom Libya Libya became independent and later Gaddafi seized power in itself, the Italian community was almost completely expelled. A well-known Libyan Italians, who was born in Hon, is the internationally renowned painter Mario Schifano ( 1934-1998 ).

In the 1930s, the Italian government introduced some significant improvements in the small town by including the connection to the coast with the new Fezzan Road.

Air table


  • Lexicorient - Hon, the migrating City
  • - Festivals in Libya
  • Main place of a Munizips (Libya)
  • Munizip al - Dschufra
  • Oasis ( Libya)
  • Italian colonial history (Africa)
  • Place in Africa