
Íllora is a municipality in the province of Granada in Spain with 10,638 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2013). The town includes the villages of Alomartes, Brácana, Escoznar, Obéilar and Tocón.


The community is located 30 km from Granada, in a valley of the Sierra de Parapanda. The city borders the municipalities Moclín, Pinos Puente, Moraleda de Zafayona, Villanueva Mesia and Montefrio as well as the town of Alcalá la Real, Jaen province. The Route 432 N in the north- east it's like to train Granada - Antequera in the south for about 5 km.


  • The building of the museum Posito del Trigo was built in 1738 in neoclassical style. It was originally a storage facility for grain. Later it became the Town Hall, 1812 temporarily to the barracks, then library and now houses the town museum a collection of pottery and tools from the ancient Arab castle.
  • The Museo de Alomartes located on the outskirts of the city and shows Ethnography of the region, particularly the history of the mills of the area, as well as folk music and traditional lifestyle of the residents.


  • In the center of the city lie on the top of a cliff, the ruins of an ancient Arab castle. Some remains of the wall are still visible.
  • The Church of Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación ( Our Lady of the Incarnation ) was built by Diego de Siloé in the sixteenth century.