Independent Students' Union

The Independent Student Union (Polish Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów, NZS ) is a Polish Students 'Association and was created on 22 September 1980 in the wake of the events and workers' strikes in August. She was a student resistance against the utterance of his term political regime in Poland.


The name of the association was established at a meeting of 60 founding groups from universities across the country, which is on 18-19. August 1980 gathered at the Technical University of Warsaw. The choice of name was made in a democratic vote. Warsaw, too, was determined as the seat of NZS, a statute adopted and a 11 -member allpolnisches founding committee used in the following composition: Mirosław Augustyn, Piotr Bikont, Wojciech Bogaczyk, Stefan Cieśla, Jacek Czaputowicz, Teodor Klincewicz, Barbara Kozłowska, Maciej Kuroń, Krzysztof Osinski Leszek Przysiezny and Marek Sadowski.

The NZS was in a way the student equivalent of the Solidarity and gathered young people who wanted independence from the state student organizations and beyond the democratization of academic life, respect for fundamental human rights and political freedoms in the country, the respect of Polish traditions of independence and patriotism.

For a long time the authorities deported the registration of the NZS. Only after student strikes, especially in Łódź, where they signed the so-called Convention of Lodz to the longest student occupation strike in Europe, in the then communist government of the registration of the association agreed to, which was held on 17 February 1981. First Chairman of the NZS was Jarosław Guzy. The organization, in addition to the classical per - student activities and calls for reform of higher education supported, and politically the activists of the Solidarity movement.

After the introduction of martial law in the NZS was banned and arrested many of its activists. However, in some academic strongholds of the NZS set up an underground activity. In the second half of the eighties of the 20th century, a collaboration with his youthful counterpart pioneered at the Federation of the combatants youth (Polish Federacja Młodzieży Walczącej, FMW ). The FMW in 1984, in Warsaw and united especially the students of secondary schools, young workers and students.

After 1989

After 1989, the NZS was legalized again. Gradually, he also changed the profile of his work, as with the decision to limit policy initiatives on matters of perception of student interests as well as alignment of cultural events.

Following on from its historical roots to the NZS also committed to democratic change during the Orange Revolution in Ukraine and is working with the opposition movement against Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus together.

By NZS went over the course of more than 25 years of his ministry over 190,000 people. Politicians, journalists, businessmen and cultural figures. Nowadays a lot of them in the headlines of newspapers

Chairman of the NZS
