Instructions per second

The instructions per second (short IPS, of english instructions per second ), usually as millions of instructions per second (MIPS, of Engl. Million instructions per second or mega instructions per second ) specified, is a measure of the power of computers, in particular the performance of the CPU (see also computer benchmark).

The unit indicates how many machine instructions ( instructions ) can run a microprocessor per second. 1 MIPS means it can execute a million machine instructions per second.


Since machine language of processor types with different architectures (such as x86 and PowerPC) often have widely different instruction sets ( eg RISC vs.. CISC ), a comparison of pure MIPS numbers is usually not very meaningful. For this reason, MIPS ( Meaningless statement / information about the speed of a microprocessor ) interpreted ( Misleading information for sales promotion ) or as " Meaningless Indication / Information about Processor Speed" occasionally also jokingly referred to as "Misleading Information to Promote Sales."


The performance, expressed in instructions per second is

Calculated, wherein the clock cycle length, and the average number of cycles required for the computer to execute an instruction.

Multiples of the unit

As with other units too, so the multiples of an IPS are also described with the usual decimal prefixes (see also Resolutions for units).

Today, however, is still the usual "MIPS " ( for mega -IPS = 106 IPS), as it almost bridges the gap between the weakest and the strongest computing power in the consumer area. However, the multiples are GIPS ( Giga -IPS = 109 IPS) and TIPS ( Tera -IPS = 1012 IPS ) is used increasingly. However, the latter more likely in high-performance computers.

A now no longer common measure of the performance of a microprocessor is the " KIPS " ( for kilo -IPS = 103 IPS). The term KIPS often also serves as a joke name for students developed during their training microprocessor designs.


A determined after the Dhrystone benchmark MIPS value.
