Jacqueline Brookes

Jacqueline Victoire Brookes ( born July 24, 1930 in Montclair, New Jersey, † April 26, 2013 ) was an American actress.

Life and work

Jacqueline Brookes is the daughter of Maria Victoire ( born " to hair " ) and the investment banker Frederick Jack Brookes. Jacqueline studied at the University of Iowa and was a teacher at the Circle in the Square Theatre School. She was also a member of the Actors Studio in Manhattan, New York City.

Jacqueline was one of the few American actors in 1950 accepted for the training of Britain's Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, England.

1963 Jacqueline won the Obie Award for Best Actress for the play Six Characters in Search of an Author. She also received the 1955 Theatre World Award for The Cretan Woman.

Filmography (selection)
