Jalasjärvi (municipality)

Jalasjärvi is a municipality with 8074 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) in the landscape Southern Ostrobothnia in western Finland.


Since the municipality of Jalasjärvi is quite extensive with 830 square kilometers and about larger the area of the city of Hamburg. The south of the municipality lies on the moraine of the Suomenselkä and reaches a height of 193 meters Kloperovuori above sea level. To the north, the terrain for Ostrobothnian coastal plain drops steadily. Because of the fantastic in the north levels initially were after the end of the last ice age still under the waters of the Ancylussees and dry fell only with the progressive isostatic land uplift, who can collect fertile clay soil here, so that the north of Jalasjärvi is used intensively for agriculture. The South is how the entire Suomenselkä, however, because of its relief and the acidic peat soils hardly cultivated and is also very sparsely populated.

The district of Jalasjärvi coincides almost with the catchment area of the river and its tributaries Jalasjoki that arise in Suomenselkä and especially lead to snow melt in the spring-time flooding and partly cause serious flooding. The lakes in the municipality are all quite small. Situated in the northern part of lakes and ponds as the Hirvijärvi, the Koskutjärvi, the Ahvenlampi and Jalasjärvi, which gave its name to the community, are very shallow and due to strong Bedüngung almost entirely verschilft, the Ojajärvi in the northeast of the community dries in summer even from. Clear and scenic are located in the hilly north as the pond Kolhonjärvi, the iso -Made Järvi, and the Saarijärvi.

The parish village of Jalasjärvi located approximately 35 kilometers south of the city of Seinäjoki just south of the point where the Jalasjoki to the lake Jalasjärvi expands. Furthermore, the municipality includes the villages Taivalmaa, Hirvijärvi, Ilvesjoki, Jalasjärvi, Sikakylä, Jokipii, Keskikylä, Koskue, Luopajärvi, Ylivalli and Alavalli.


As in most rural areas of Finland is in Jalasjärvi the Centre Party, the strongest political force. In the local elections 2008, she received 44.7 percent in the 2007 General Election even half the votes. In council, the highest decision-making authority in municipal matters, it represents 17 of 35 deputies. The second largest party is the conservative National Coalition Party 27.5 percent of the vote and 10 seats in the city council. The third major party in Finland, the Social Democrats, however, play a minor role with a single-digit vote and three seats in the city council in Jalasjärvi. Disproportionately well represented are the right-wing populist True Finns with five seats.

Jalasjärvi maintains a community partnership with the Italian place Baragiano.

Sons and daughters

  • Sameli Tala (1893-1961), long-distance runner
  • Päivi Maria Luostarinen (* 1955), diplomat
  • Kalevi Kiviniemi (born 1958 ), a concert organist and composer
  • Hannu Lahtinen ( born 1960 ), wrestler