Jičín District

Okres Jičín ( German district Jitschin ) is a city in the Czech Republic.

The Okres Jičín is located in the western part of the Hradec Králové Region Region. Its area is approximately 887 km ². The population living in 111 communities, of which ten cities. The number of inhabitants is 79 618 (2009).

In the district of about 18,400 companies are registered. The majority are trading company, catering and accommodation establishments. About 17 % of the companies belong to the manufacturing sector and about 5% are farms. 68.3 % of the area is used for agriculture, the forests occupy 21.7% a. About a third of the workforce are employed in the manufacturing sector, most of them in engineering, textile and commercial vehicle industry. Agriculture employs 7.9%, 7.1%, the construction industry, trade and hospitality industry about 10%.


The low density of industry provides for healthy environmental conditions. Tourist interest is the nature reserve of the Bohemian Paradise, which extends west to southwest in the district. Heavily frequented tourist here are the sandstone cliffs Prachovské rocks and the well preserved castle Kost Furthermore, reported another seven nature reserves and natural monuments in the district of thirty.

Also worth seeing is the pond area of Jinolické rybníky, Prachov that around Sobotka, Lužany u Jičína, Dřevěnice and Hořice, as well as the foothills of the Giant Mountains in the area of Nová Paka, Stara Paka, Hořicko and Bělohradsko.

Cities and Towns

Bačalky - Bašnice - Běchary - Bílsko u Hořic - Boháňka - Borek - Brada - Rybníček - Brezina - Bříšťany - Budčeves - Bukvice - Butoves - Bystřice - Cerekvice nad Bystřicí - Cervena Třemešná - Češov - Dětenice - Dílce - Dobra Voda u Hořic - Dolni Lochov - Dřevěnice - Holín - Holovousy - Hořice - Cholenice - Chomutice - Choteč - Chyjice - Jeřice - Jičín - Jičíněves - Jinolice - Kacákova Lhota - Kbelnice - Kněžnice - Konecchlumí - Kopidlno - Kostelec - Kovač - Kozojedy - Kyje - Lázně BElohrad - Libáň - Libošovice - Libuň - Lískovice - Lukavec u Hořic - Lužany - Markvartice - Miletín - Milovice u Hořic - Mladějov - Mlázovice - Nemyčeves - Nevratice - Nová Paka - Ohařice - Ohaveč - Osek - Ostroměř - Ostružno - Pecka - Petrovičky - Podhorní Újezd ​​a Vojice - podhradí - Podůlší - Radim - Rašín - Rohoznice - Rokytňany - Samšina - SbEr - Sedliště - Sekeřice - Slatiny - Slavhostice - Sobčice - Soběraz - Sobotka - Stara Paka - Staré Hrady - Staré Místo - Staré Smrkovice - Střevač - Sukorady - Svatojanský Újezd ​​- Šárovcova Lhota - Tetín - Třebnouševes - Třtěnice - TUR - Úbislavice - Udrnice - Úhlejov - Újezd ​​pod Troskami - Úlibice - Valdicka - Veliš - Vidochov - Vitiněves - Volanice - Vrbice - Vršce - Vřesník - Vysoke Veseli - Zámostí - Blata - Zelenecká Lhota - Železnice - Žeretice - Židovice - Žlunice
