
21.266666666667 - 77.830277777778Koordinaten: 21 ° 16 ' N, 77 ° 50 ' W

Jimaguayú is a municipality and a city in the Cuban province of Camagüey. It is located between Vertientes and Guáimaro.


Despite their small size, the town played an important role in the history of Cuba: From 13 to September 16, 1895 there was held a meeting of the Revolutionary Cuba to give a constitution to the desired Republic. General Máximo Gómez suggested this historic place, since 1873 General Ignacio Agramonte fell for independence.

After being reassigned additional troops for the Protection of Mambí could start working the "Revolutionary Parliament " under the leadership of Gaspar Betancourt. According to traditions gathered you in a simple " Bohio " which is a term for a simple property from palm leaves. Such a cabin, for example, be seen in the coat of arms Guánicas.

The Constitution of Jimaguayú founded, like its predecessor in 1873, a centralist Republic ruled, however, unlike the old, judiciary and executive summed up in a state organ. This should increase the pace of work of the government, a lesson learned from the Long War 1868-1878.


2004 was one of the Municipio Jimaguayú 21,169 inhabitants. With a total area of 799 square kilometers, the city has a population density of 26.9 inhabitants / km ².
