Jōban Expressway

Template: Infobox trunk road / maintenance / JP -A


  • Saitama
  • Chiba
  • Ibaraki
  • Fukushima
  • Miyagi

The Joban Motorway (Japanese常 磐 自动 车道, Joban Jidōshadō ) is a major highway in Japan and crosses the main Japanese island of Honshu by Misato to Watari and meets here on the Sendai Tōbu - doro. Its course follows this substantially to the national road 6

The 230.0 km long highway is from the East Japan motorway operator company Higashi Nihon - Kōsokudōro KK (English East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.. , NEXCO ) and is operated as a "national mainline " ( Kokkandō, short for国土 开 発 干线 自动 车道, Kokudo Kaihatsu Opportunities and Combating jidōshadō ) classified.


The first section of the Joban Motorway between Kashiwa and Yatabe ( in Tsukuba ) opened in 1981.

Due to the established due to the Fukushima nuclear disaster exclusion zone with a radius of 20 km around the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which was officially established on April 22, 2011, the use of nearly 20 km long section of Hirono by Tomioka is allowed only with official Exemption.

Connection points ( Interchange)

Misato (1) - Nagareyama (1-2) - Kashiwa (2) - Yawara (3) - Yatabe (4) - Sakura Tsuchiura (5) - Tsuchiura Kita (6) - Chiyoda Ishioka ( 7) - Iwama ( 8) - Mito (9 ) - Naka (10 ) - Hitachi Minamiōta (11 ) - Hitachi Kita (12 ) - Takahagi (13 ) - Kita- Ibaraki (14 ) - Iwaki Nakoso (15 ) - Iwaki Yumoto ( 16) - Iwaki Chuo (17) - Iwaki Yotsukura (18) - Hirono (19) - Joban Tomioka (20 ) - Namie (21 ) - Haramachi (22) - Sōma (23) - Shinchi (24) - Yamamoto (25 ) - Watari ( 1)

The distance between Tomioka and Yamamoto and thus also the connection points of Namie to Shinchi are not yet completed. The completion of the connection points Namie, Haramachi and Sōma is planned by the end of 2011, with the construction of Namie was set within the restricted area, and Shinchi for 2014.


  • Saitama Prefecture Misato - Yoshikawa
  • Nagareyama - Kashiwa
  • Moriya - Tsukubamirai - Tsukuba - Tsuchiura - Kasumigaura - Ishioka - Omitama - Kasama - Mito - Naka - Tōkai - Hitachi Ōta - Hitachi - Takahagi - Kita- Ibaraki
  • Iwaki - Hirono - Naraha - Tomioka - ( Okuma - Futaba - Namie - Minamisoma - Sōma - Shinchi )
  • Yamamoto - Watari

The not yet built sections are shown in parentheses, the locked in italics.
