Johann Froben

Johann Froben ( Latinized: Johannes Frobenius; * 1460 in Hammelburg, Franconia, † October 27, 1527 in Basel ) was a printer and publisher in Basel.

Life and work

Johann Froben of Basel was in 1490 citizens. In 1491 he founded his own printing press and printed the " Biblia integra: summata: distincta: sup [ er] eme [n ] data vtriusq [ ue ] testame [n ] ti [ con] corda [n ] Tijs illustrata ". There were other important works, among others, in 1516 the Greek New Testament, " Novum Instrumentum omne, diligenter from Erasmo red recognitum et Emendatum " which was edited by the humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam and translated into Latin and with whom he was a close friend.

With the printer colleagues Amerbach Johann and Johannes Petri he operated a joint venture. Several of his works were of the - illustrated Hans Holbein the Younger - then unknown.


His son Jerome (1501-1563) and his grandson led away his workshop. According to him, a school was named, the Frobenius school mutton castle.
